Useful In-Game Commands
Useful commands
MCStacker is a great site to create Minecraft commands MCStacker
Command breakdown
/effect give @p minecraft:night_vision 999
- ‘give` -
- Targets nearest player (Which includes the person running the command)
- effect to give the target, you can use tab auto-complete to see the full list in-game
how long, in seconds, the effect will last
/forge generate <location> <chunkCount> [dimensionID]
- Pregenerate terrain, location can take the form of X Y Z for absolute or ~ ~ ~ for relative to your location, chunkCount is the total number of chunks to generate (dimensionID is optional)
/forge dimensions
- List registered dimensions and their ID
/forge entity list
/effect give @p minecraft:night_vision 999
/time set <day / night>
/time set <amount: int>
- Used to set the time in-game (TODO list out other options within command)
/tp <> <> <>
- TODO give breakdown of command
/kill @e[type=!player]
- Kills all entities besides the player
Minecraft Wiki Gamerule List
- doDaylightCycle (true/false) - leave out true or false to see the current setting
- doWeatherCycle (true/false)
- randomTickSpeed (default: 3) - How often a random block tick occurs (such as plant growth, leaf decay, etc.) per chunk section per game tick. 0 disables random ticks [needs testing], higher numbers increase random ticks. Setting to a high integer results in high speeds of decay and growth
/locate <structure>
- Displays the coordinates for the closest generated structure
/locatebiome <biome>
- Displays the coordinates for the closest biome of a given biome ID or a biome tag
/summon <entity> [pos]
- Summons an entity (pos is optional)
Debug keys
- Gives help and shows all F3 + key combinations
- Change game modes
- View chunk borders
- Enable advanced tooltips. Will allow to see Item ID’s and other useful information
- Copies server-sided block or entity data you’re looking at to the clipboard
- Copies client-sided block or entity data you’re looking at to the clipboard
Spawn loot chests
/loot give @p loot <TAB>
- view the list of registered loottables, use TAB for autocomplete.
setblock ~2 ~ ~ minecraft:chest{LootTable:"minecraft:chests/nether_bridge"} replace
- Creates a chest from the loot table specified in quotes. The following is a list of existing Minecraft chest loot tables. This is not all of the available loot tables in the game. Consult the Minecraft wiki for the full list.
- minecraft:chests/village
- minecraft:chests/abandoned_mineshaft
- minecraft:chests/bastion_bridge
- minecraft:chests/bastion_hoglin_stable
- minecraft:chests/bastion_other
- minecraft:chests/bastion_treasure
- minecraft:chests/buried_treasure
- minecraft:chests/desert_pyramid
- minecraft:chests/end_city_treasure
- minecraft:chests/igloo_chest
- minecraft:chests/jungle_temple
- minecraft:chests/jungle_temple_dispenser
- minecraft:chests/nether_bridge
- minecraft:chests/pillager_outpost
- minecraft:chests/ruined_portal
- minecraft:chests/shipwreck_map
- minecraft:chests/shipwreck_supply
- minecraft:chests/shipwreck_treasure
- minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon
- minecraft:chests/spawn_bonus_chest
- minecraft:chests/stronghold_corridor
- minecraft:chests/stronghold_crossing
- minecraft:chests/stronghold_library
- minecraft:chests/underwater_ruin_big
- minecraft:chests/underwater_ruin_small
- minecraft:chests/woodland_mansion